Pair Convicted of Brutal Murder of Chittering Pensioner

Two burglars who bludgeoned a pensioner to death in his own home have been convicted of his murder. Gary Smith, 21, and Frankie Parker, 26, attacked retired farmer Llywelyn Thomas, 76, while they were raiding his home in Ely Road, Chittering, on 17th December, 2011.

After killing him, the pair left with a number of items including a selection of watches and ornamental eggs. They stole Mr Thomas’ Rover 75, but it was broken and could not be driven more than 20mph.

They dumped the vehicle in Church Lane, Milton, before going to Parker’s brother’s home in nearby Coles Road where they stripped off and disposed of their clothes before calling Smith’s father, John, to pick them up.

You can read the full story here on the Cambridge Police web site (and Parker’s brother no longer lives in Coles Road).