Better Broadband … Eventually

Connecting Cambridgeshire, the project to roll out “superfast” broadband across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough has just announced the fifty rural parishes and urban areas that are under consideration for the first phases of the roll-out delivering connectivity which will enable better broadband speeds of what they describe as “up to 24 Mbps and more” (No we don’t understand what that means either: surely it’s “up to 24 Mbps” or “24 Mbps and more” – how can it be both? The penultimate paragraph of the announcement further muddies the waters talking of “superfast speeds of at least 24Mbps are available to more than 90 per cent of premises with speeds of 2Mbps to 24Mbps and upwards available to very nearly 100% of premises by the end of 2015”. 2Mbps is hardly “superfast” ..).

As their map at the bottom of the announcement reveals Milton and the other villages close to Cambridge are not in the running in the first phase, although other communities like Ely, Huntingdon and parts of Peterborough are included however they are allegedly rolling it out to everyone in Cambridgeshire by the end of 2015 so we should at last have a viable alternative to VirginMedia unless you need the blistering 100Mbps that they can now offer.