Milton Summer Fayre

Milton Summer Fayre is on Saturday, 13th July. It’s a great family fun day packed with fun things to do including trampolines, bouncy castles, stalls, a football tournament, great music and much more. This year there will be a tug of of war so if you can put a team together do let the committee know. St. Ives dog agility club will also be there again so why not bring your dog along to have a go on the fly ball & scurry.

There are still spaces if anyone would like to book a stall at the fayre. You can download a booking form from the Milton Village View website, email the committee, or pick one up from Milton Community Centre. Deadline for stall bookings is 5th July.

The committee are looking for helpers on the day again to sell raffle tickets, programmes etc so if you think you could spare thirty mins or so of your time please let them know.

Also the present committee are stepping down after next year’s fayre. If you would like to see this popular event continue then please come along on the day and speak to them or email the committee at