Cash up for Grabs in Paper Recycling Competition

Just in case you missed it a reminder that six lucky South Cambridgeshire residents are set to scoop £100 each by recycling paper in their paper only caddy this winter. The competition is being run in South Cambs Magazine, the quarterly residents’ magazine from South Cambridgeshire District Council, as an incentive to get people into the paper recycling habit.

SCDC paper caddy from blue bin
To enter you need to complete the bright yellow competition entry form in the winter issue – which is currently being delivered to every home in the district – and put it in paper only caddy for collection between Monday, 10th and Friday, 21th December. In Milton that’s the next one, on Tuesday, 12th December so if you want to be in with a chance of winning you may as well fill the form in now and put it in your caddy before you forget.

The six winners and twelve runners-up will be selected at random when paper is tipped at AmeyCespa’s Waterbeach recycling plant.

Winners will receive a cash prize of £100 donated by competition sponsors AmeyCespa and Aylesford Newsprint. Winners and runners-up will be offered the chance to take a trip to Aylesford Newsprint’s recycling factory in Kent …

Since launching blue bin collections in October 2010, the amount of waste the Council has sent to landfill has dropped, reducing its annual service costs by £500,000, which has helped to fund other services and keep council tax down. Paper recycled in the paper only caddy has also helped achieve savings, as it can be sold at a higher price and recycled into better quality products.

Cllr Sue Ellington, South Cambridgeshire District Council’s cabinet member in charge of waste and recycling, said:

I hope that lots of our residents will take part in this competition and get into the habit of using their paper only caddy. Putting paper in the caddy generates more income which helps us fund services and keep council tax low.

The winners and runners-up will be notified by 1st March and announced in the summer edition of South Cambs Magazine. Terms and conditions are available at or by calling 03450 450 063.