Planning Committee

Your parish council Planning Committee meets at 7pm on Monday (22/10) in the Bowls Pavilion. The parish council web site has the agenda online (Adobe/PDF, 65KB) online.

Application s/0680/12/fl to build a dwelling on land at the rear of 14 Fen Road has been refused by South Cambridgeshire District Council. An appeal has now been lodged so the committee is to discuss if a representation should be sent.

The following new applications are being considered relating to properties in Milton village:

  • s/1388/12/rm – Bellway Homes Ltd, Former EDF Depot & Training Centre, Ely Road – amendments to reserved matters submission (revised orientation and internal layout to sports pavilion, revised refuse strategy plan, revised bin stores to Plots 21-25 & 60-64, revised bin movements to site, revised Ecological Enhancement Plan, revised landscaping and boundary treatment schemes, revised Bat Mitigation Strategy).
  • s/2080/12/nm – 17 Pearson Close – extension and conversion of garage to form annexe: amendment to replace window with door

The committee is also to discuss the submission of the ” Union Place Community Stadium” to SCDC in response to its Local Plan Issues and Options document. This is the proposal to build a new stadium for Cambridge United, along with a concert hall and an ice rink, on land just west of Milton and is a variation on a proposal we saw a while ago and which was rejected in 2009.