Campaigning for Superfast Broadband

Some of us here in Milton are lucky enough to have cable and therefore access to very high speed broadband (60Mbps down/3Mbps here up for example) via Virgin Media but if you want to use any other provider or don’t have cable then ADSL speeds are a lot slower especially if, like most of the village, you’re connected to the Waterbeach exchange rather than Science Park.

Cambridge County Council and Peterborough City Council are now running a campaign called Connecting Cambridgeshire to provide access to superfast broadband to at least 90% of homes and businesses across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, and better broadband connections for all other premises by 2015. By “superfast” they mean speeds of at least 25Mbps.

The campaign needs your help. To secure vital support from broadband providers Cambridgeshire and Peterborough need residents and businesses to simply click and show them they want improved broadband. The more people that register the fact they want superfast broadband the more chance of it being delivered.

Householders and businesses can register their demand for broadband in minutes with just a postcode and land line phone number.

People who do not have access to the internet can register online or on paper forms in libraries, council offices and other public places.

Visitors to the Connecting Cambridgeshire website can also check their broadband speeds, find out about the benefits of broadband for businesses and communities and volunteer to become Digital Champions for their local areas.