Live Bus Times around Cambridge

As we’ve mentioned before we’ve long had live bus times on the Milton village web site and there’s now a mobile version of the site so it seemed sensible to extend this beyond Milton. This means that you can now query any bus stop in the area and get live bus data.

To do this on a PC start at:

or on your mobile phone start at:

You do need to know the bus stop code. These are eight character codes and all the bus stops should their code shown their stop sign. So for example the stop opposite the Waggon and Horses here in Milton is CMBGAMDJ.

You can also use the map you get if you click on the “OK” to the right of “Find your bus stop using a map” on this page to find the code for the stop which you’re interested in.

If you find this useful then bookmark in your phone’s browser the stops which you use regularly, with stop code as part of the URL thus, using the Waggon and Horses stop mentioned above as an example:

Then you don’t need to enter the code each time.

We hope you find this useful.