Foodshare on Gardeners’ Question Time

Milton is in the spotlight again, this time on the nation’s favourite and longest running radio show. Tune into BBC Radio 4 with 2.5 million other listeners on Friday (5/2) at 3pm or Sunday (7/2) at 2pm to hear Milton’s Foodshare project being discussed by the panel. The show will also be archived on BBC iPlayer for some time

Foodshare Milton is now supporting four local charities: Milton’s Children’s Hospice, Edmund House,
The Phoenix Trust and
Jimmy’s Night Shelter.

Mark Desvaux of Foodshare Milton said:

We would love to make these charities self-sufficient in fruit and veg but WE NEED YOU! If you are planning your growing season, why not turn some unused garden or allotment space into a Foodshare Bed? Foodshare is a wonderfully fulfilling new way to donate to charity. Grow your favourite veg, and for very little extra effort you will be feeding lots of really grateful people with healthy fresh Milton food. If you don’t yet grow, here’s your excuse! Start with a tomato plant or pop a few potatoes in the ground and see what happens!

For more information, please visit