A14 Widening Update

As we’ve already highlighted here the Highways Agency has now published the draft orders for the widening of the A14. The proposals will directly affect Milton and the country park as the A14 is to be widened to three lanes each way on the stretch past us.

Still from HA video driving west to east down A14
Still from video going west to east

We have now obtained a copy of the Highways Agency video which Cambridge News have online, which shows an aerial view as you drive east down the A14 and a second video which shows a driver’s eye view driving west. These are half hour videos so we’ve extracted clips from both of these videos showing you the stretch from Impington to Fen Ditton and vice versa and they are online here for you to watch.

Still from HA video driving east to west down A14
Still from video going east to west

We did suggest before that you might like to look at the plans provided to the parish council which have been on display at the bowls pavilion on Coles Road this week. In truth they are disappointingly lacking in detail: for example the sound barriers which are shown in the video (past Blackwell’s travellers site for example) aren’t shown.

Your parish council will be discussing this issue at their November meeting.