Milton to Impington Cycle/Foot Way Consultation

As you know the consultation on this rolled into Milton last Tuesday. After some pressure from your local councillors the County Council are now proposing to come back again on Wednesday (9/9) in a slightly earlier window of 3pm to 6pm, this time at the Community Centre on Coles Road, to give you a second chance to see what is being proposed.

This is your chance to comment not just on the proposals for a new foot and cycleway to link Milton with Impington and also to make improvements to the Winship Road junction (the road to Cambridge News etc) to benefit both cyclists and pedestrians but also on improvements for pedestrians and cyclists between Horningsea and Fen Ditton.

There is also an opportunity to view all the plans at Fen Ditton Church Hall on
Monday 7th 4:30pm to 7:30pm.

Jane Coston is very concerned that all villagers are made aware of the threat to the Impington Village College school bus if the Milton to Impington proposal goes ahead and she has written a leaflet which she is intending to circulate around the village this weekend. If you are able to help her by delivering leaflets over the weekend she would very much like to hear from you.

Jane would like to make it clear that this leaflet comes from her, not the parish council or Milton News.