Milton to Impington Cycle/Foot Way Consultation

Our county councillor, Michael Williamson, wants to give everyone a “heads up” that the County Council are proposing to undertake a consultation into providing a foot/cycle way from Milton to Impington and also about the Winship Road junction as part of the Cycle Cambridge programme.

There will be a chance for residents to see plans at an event in Milton and
in Impington, as well as being able to view plans on line. Dates are being looked at presently but are most likely to be last week in August/first week in September to enable consultation results to be reported to County Cabinet in late September.

The building of the path is likely to mean the withdrawal of free bus service
for Impington Village College under current County policy so it will have an impact on you if your children attend there or will do in future.

See Michael’s web site for more information, where you can also send him comments.