County Council may need help with Swine Flu

There may be a need for voluntary help if the swine flu outbreak escalates in Cambridgeshire. A letter (Adobe/PDF, 67KB) from the County Council to our parish council says that they propose to open up to 16 Antiviral Collections Centres to aid the distribution of antivirals within the community.

These centres, each operating for 12 hours a day and 7 days a week, would not provide treatment just distribution of drugs and may be required for several weeks. They are therefore looking for volunteers who would be able to work in these centres alongside council staff.

They are looking for people who are able to deal with the public, comfortable in a community setting and who have good organising skills. They have prepared
comprehensive information packs and made arrangements for briefing volunteers so
that they know what they will be doing and are confident in their role. Reasonable direct costs incurred e.g. travelling will be reimbursed.