Parish Council

Your parish council meets on Monday night (20/7) at 7:30am in the Bowls Pavilion. The full agenda and supporting documents is online

Planning applications being considered in the village are: 1 High Street, change of use from residential to residential care home (for Cambridge Mencap) and the erection of a chimney at 16 Butt Lane.

Possibly the most interesting item if you’re a parent with a child at Impington Village College (IVC) is in the County Councillor’s report where it say:

2.21 Preliminary design is just starting on a new foot and cycleway to improve safety between Milton and Impington. The scheme will provide a safe route for children from Milton to cycle or walk to Impington Village College. […]

I know how concerned [Milton Parish Council] have been in the past about the security of the bus service from Milton to IVC so the second sentence of 2.21 may well cause concern.

The significance of this is that IVC pupils get a free bus service, despite the college being less than three miles from the village, because Butt Lane was deemed too dangerous to cycle down. So if this proposal goes ahead then that bus service will be under threat.