Village Fayre

The village fayre takes place this Saturday (11/7) from 1:30pm to 10pm and will feature the usual eclectic selection of attractions including live music by the Melody Beats, solo singer Simon Rose and Rock Indie Band Stingray. There will be various displays including dance, Karate, the Raptor Foundation and cheerleading. Plus as always many games and stalls for your enjoyment, with a licensed bar, BBQ and a Real Ale tent by our own Milton Brewery.

Various clubs will have games and stalls including Milton Photographic Club, there will be a football tournament for the children, and PCSO Claire Whiteman will also be there with the police van extolling the virtues of the village’s new Neighbourhood Watch scheme.

For further details please e-mail or phone Lynda Molloy on 862093. Any offers to help on the day would be greatly appreciated.