Free family swimming in South Cambridgeshire

Families can enjoy free swimming sessions at three South Cambridgeshire pools on this Saturday and Sunday (30-31/5) as part of National Family Week.

Under 16s and over 60s have been able to swim for free at pools in Impington, Melbourn and Sawston since 1st April, but these special sessions mean that the whole family can exercise and have fun free of charge. Sessions will take place throughout the weekend.

Sawston Sports Centre: 30th May – 1:30pm to 2:30pm; 31st May – every hour from 10:30am to 3:30pm. Call (01223) 712555 for more information

Impington Sports Centre: 30th May – 11am to 1pm; 31st May – 11:30am to 1pm. Call (01223) 200415 for more information.

McSplash Pool, Melbourn: 30th May – 2pm to 4pm; 31st May – 10am to 10:45am and 11am to 11:45am. Call (01763) 263313 for more information.

Cllr Jaime Dipple, South Cambridgeshire District Council’s champion for the Olympics, said,

Swimming is great fun and a fantastic way to keep active. I hope that lots of families will take the opportunity to finish half-term week with a free dip in one of our local pools.