County Council Elections

The County Council is responsible for things like education and transport. There’s a complete list on the County Council web site. The last election was in May 2005.

  Con Lab LDem Lib Ind
1989 46 20 9 1 1
1993 33 21 20 1 2
1997 33 10 16
2001 34 9 16
2005 42 4 23

So the Conservatives are currently in control of the council and have tended to be for quite a while.

This situation is unlikely to change, especially since Peterborough (which tended to return Labour members) was split off as a unitary authority. The county council has
pages to let you look at the representation in details included a clickable map.

Our division is Waterbeach, which covers the villages of Waterbeach, Landbeach, Milton and Chittering and we have one councillor.

There are three candidates this time:

Godson Lawal, Labour
Godson lives in Arbury Park.
Peter Johnson, Conservative
Peter is an SCDC councillor for Waterbeach, Landbeach and Chittering. He lives in Waterbeach.
Michael Williamson, Liberal Democrat
Michael has been our county councillor for the last four years. He lives in Waterbeach too but has of course been engaged with Milton and its issues over the last four years so is familiar with the problems in the village.

The voting figures for the last four elections were as follows:

  Con Lab LDem Green
1993 593 248 1437
1997 1350 *345 3143
2001 1071 611 2545 112
2005 1789 2820

* the candidate didn’t put a party on the ballot paper, but is
believed to have been standing for Labour.

As you’ll see from past elections this is pretty much a straight fight between Tory and Lib Dem with Labour only putting up a token candidate here.