Speedwatch Training

More Speedwatch training is being held, this time in Landbeach, at 10am on Saturday 9th May. If you are interested then please contact Michael Williamson who is collecting names and liaising with the police.

For those who have not come across Speedwatch before, it is a community initiative backed by the police to record vehicles travelling in excess of the speed limit. Trained volunteers use a very accurate speed display unit (on loan from Cambridgeshire Police) which is portable and can easily be moved around the area. The volunteers pass the information to the police, who will send a warning letter to anyone who is significantly over the speed limit. Five Milton villagers are currently trained to use the equipment.

Trials in East Cambs over the last year have shown that this increases people’s awareness of their speeding and generally helps to slow the traffic down. In Milton we have found that members of the public have welcomed the initiative.

Is there a particular spot in Milton which you would like checked? If so, please could you let Michael or Hazel Smith know the exact location, direction of traffic and time you would like us to attend. Or perhaps you would like to help occasionally? Every helper has to attend a training session of about 2 hours which includes a practical session.