Parish Council News

Tonight’s planning committee meeting has been cancelled.

You will remember that the last full council considered the application for a wind turbine at Tesco. They recommended refusal saying:

In a prominent position adjacent to a busy roundabout and will be a distraction to motorists using the highway and the busy entrance to the store.

Our Village Appearance Group (a working group that has emerged as a result of the Parish Plan) is trying to improve the appearance of this approach to the village and the turbine will detract from these efforts.

The manufacture and installation of the turbine will far exceed any ‘green’ benefits.

On the Minerals and Waste Plan consultation which they also discussed the Council agreed to send the following comments relating to clay extraction on the land fill site (SS1 Site 73):

Objection to the entrance into Butt Lane (as shown on the plan). According to officers from the Highways Agency the clay would be transported over fields.
Reassurances requested that none of this clay would be transported on the highway. The Park & Ride site in Butt Lane had increased the traffic flow.
MPC had always argued that the land between Butt Lane and the A14 should be returned to agriculture as soon as possible.
Abstracting clay would increase the life of the landfill site, to which Council objects.

Council objected strongly to the Chesterton Fen Household Waste recycling centre proposal (SS4 Site 126):

Strong objection to this totally unsuitable site, including a flood plain, which would result in increased traffic flow through a residential area.
It was believed that this was a site of special interest beside the river, contributing to the setting of the river.

Council also objected to the relocation of aggregate sidings from Chesterton to a site north of Waterbeach mainly on the ground of increased traffic on the A10.