Report of P&R Meeting

Michael Williamson, our county councillor reported to parish council on the meeting he and others had with officers from the county council about the park and ride site. He writes:

We had a very useful meeting on February 20th. Alistair Frost and Campbell Ross-Bain were there from the County Council and we had, besides myself, Hazel and Richard, David Chamberlin and a representative from Impington Parish Council.

We discussed a range of issues, mainly following through a list of points raised by David. Alistair told us that the Stage 3 Safety Audit had been carried out but had not been as useful as he had hoped.

On the subject of the A10 bridge, Alistair confirmed that this was not part of the P&R project and that there were no funds available for improvements to the parapet. It was pointed out by us that there were some issues with the signage for both cyclists and pedestrians and these will be looked at.

We discussed signs for motor vehicles coming from Impington and pointed out the dangers of vehicles who miss the signed route trying to turn right at the A10 or turning left and then doing a dangerous U-turn at the lay-by. Alistair said he would look into some temporary signs to remind drivers of what they should
do. There was a general feeling from the Milton representatives that some of the signs on the site were a bit confusing. Alistair said that a couple had been wrongly installed and he would look to get them replaced.

We raised the issue of the exit barriers where drivers have to get very close before they open.

We raised the issue of disabled access to the building. We pointed out that the ramps seemed to be a little steep for wheel chairs. This would be checked.