Park and Ride Site Meeting

Michael Williamson, our county councillor writes:

I have arranged a meeting to discuss some of the issues raised in earlier
emails at 9 o’clock on Friday 20th February at the Park and Ride site. This
is a bit short notice I’m afraid, but I had to coordinate quite a few
diaries. In addition I realise that it will not be convenient for some and I
apologise to those who would have liked to have come but are unable to do

I, your two District Councillors and the Revd. David Chamberlin (who
produced a very useful list of suggestions) will definitely be attending
and, if anyone else from Milton wishes to come please would they let me
know. We shall be meeting Alistair Frost, who managed the construction of
the project, and Campbell Ross-Bain who manages the Park and Ride sites.

If you can’t attend and haven’t yet put in your comments, please do so.

You can find Michael’s contact details here on the village web site.