
Speedwatch is a programme using volunteers to monitor the speed of vehicles and record the details of those exceeding the speed limit in their community. Details are noted and the information passed to the police. Letters are sent to the registered keepers of the vehicle advising them of the circumstances and requesting their co-operation to reduce speed. You can find more details here.

Hazel Smith is arranging training for people who want to monitor traffic speeds in Milton this Sunday (25/1) from 2pm to 4:30pm in the Bowls Pavilion on Coles Road. The group will then be able to borrow the equipment for a week at a time from the police, and set up in the village for an hour or two at a time during the week.

If you would like to participate, please contact Hazel on 860752 or hazel.smith@miltonvillage.org.uk – she need numbers in advance so the Police can prepare a sufficient number of training packs.