Police Neighbourhood Panel Meeting

The next neighbourhood panel meeting will be held next Tuesday (13/1) in the Drama Studio at Cottenham Village College. Doors open at 7pm and the meeting will start at 7.30pm. The Panel meeting is a chance for you to speak directly with the Police about any issues that are effecting the village.

You can also hear what they have done over the three previous months in relation to the priorities that were set which were:

  • Anti-social behaviour and criminal damage in Histon and Impington focusing on a recent violent incident.
  • Engagement and preventative work in the lead up to and patrols on Halloween and Bonfire Night
  • Criminal damage and vehicle crime in Waterbeach and Cottenham

You will see that this meeting helps set police priorities and it seems that Milton continue to have a low priority. If you want to change that you might want to attend this meeting and make your voice heard.