Threat to Surgery Dispensary Blocked

Dr Hunt sends his thanks for your support on this issue. BBC News now reports that:

Proposals to change the rules on which GP practices in England can provide drugs directly to their patients have been rejected by ministers. Health Minister Phil Hope told MPs on Tuesday there would be “no change” to the current arrangements. […]

At Commons question time, Mr Hope said: “We are analysing the responses we have received to the consultation on pharmaceutical provision in England and we will be making an announcement on these wider issues as soon as possible in the New Year.”

“However, I am aware of the strength of responses we have received on the various options for amending the criteria for dispensing by doctors.

“We have taken account of the views of those attending the listening events, the meetings and so on.”

“Because of this I’m pleased to announce today that there will be no change to the current arrangements for GPs dispensing medicines to their patients.”