Dog Fouling

After some years of very little dog fouling on the pavements in Milton we do seem to be suffering a rash of it at the moment with a complaint being raised via
FixMyStreet of fouling in The Elms and the high street and “deposits” also being spotted in Coles Road and Fen Road.

It is an offence to let your dog foul public land anywhere in Milton, including pavements, play areas, the recreations grounds and Milton Country Park and the penalty can be up a fine of up to £1,000.

Although SCDC don’t have a dog warden any more they do have an officer who is responsible for this Chris Bradley, or 01954 713407. He says that if anyone has evidence about a dog owner who is letting their dog foul the pavement then he can take enforcement action against them in the form of warning letters or a prosecution. He notes that the person providing the evidence should also be prepared to attend court if required to do so.