Country Park Rangers Defiant

The Park staff issued this press release on Monday about the recent spate of
vandalism and the break in to the Visitor Centre:

Staff at Milton Country Park are determined to carry on despite a
recent break in and vandalism at the popular visitor attraction on the
edge of Cambridge which threatens to hold back future development. The
park which has been run and managed by Cambridge Sport Lakes since April
this year is planning a series of events for the next few months as well
as already making plans for later in 2009.

Malcolm Busby, the senior ranger, said “Coming up we have opportunities
for families to plant trees, come on a new years day walk and join in a
wassail in our community orchard, we are also putting together our
programme for 2009 which will involve a number of plays performed

On the recent trouble at the park he said “we cannot allow the
senseless actions of a few people detract from the enjoyment the
majority of visitors to the park get. We will continue to involve the
local community in the management of the park and hope that more people
come on board to help us, the more folk who offer to help us through
volunteering and taking part in events the better the park will become
for all our visitors, offers of support from organisations would also be
very welcome to help us improve the existing facilities”.

The park already offers groups and organisations the chance to hire the
visitor centre for training events and meetings, runs a regular health
walk and has a number of volunteers who help with practial management.
It is inviting individuals and organisers to get in touch on 01223
420060 if they have an idea for an event or are looking for somewhere to
hold an event.

Keely Squires, the ranger, said “we ran a dog show as part
of our celebration of summer in August 2008, it was very successful and
we plan to repeat it in 2009, our health walk is popular and a good way
for people to take exercise and meet new friends. We are thinking of a
photographic competition and a look back in pictures at the park from
before its opening to the present day, it would be very interesting to
hear people’s memories and see their pictures taken over the years about
what it means to them”.