Parish Council

Your parish council meets on Monday starting at 7pm as they have an unusually long agenda. The meeting will begin with a presentation from a representative of the Highways Agency about the widening of the A14 and specifically the implications for Milton.

Among the items they are considering after that are:

  • A planning application for “Erection of 120 Bed Hotel and Restaurant together with Associated Parking and Infrastructure” on part of the field opposite Tesco.
  • A planning application at 49 Fen Road for a first floor bedroom extension over part of existing garage.
  • Whether to advertise for an assistant clerk.
  • To make additional comments on the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Preferred Options 2 Consultation the proposal for an Energy from Waste on the land off Butt Lane (something which has been raised here before and many of you have sent in your comments).
  • More on the council’s attempts to acquire more land for recreation including an update about land at rear of Milton Hall.
  • To consider appointing a fund raiser, both to help with land acquisition and other projects.