Land Opposite Tesco

Your parish council has added an extra item to the end of the agenda for next Monday’s meeting: “Suggested response to proposed application by Turnstone to build a hotel on land by the A14 (to be circulated) – note that the application has not yet been received”.

At June’s full parish council meeting the council had a presentation about the field opposite Tesco which has only recently been restored to grass. You can read the minutes of that meeting
online but in essence
Turnstone, who have a long term option on the site, intend submitting a planning application for a 120 bed hotel and restaurant with 80 car parking spaces on approximately half of the land (at the end nearest to the Tesco roundabout).

This land is in the Green Belt and outside the development framework for the village so the applicant would need to justify the application by proving special circumstances – for example a need in the Cambridge area for hotel accommodation. It’s worth noting that Turnstone have already put in an objection to the Local Development Framework policy for this land had which has yet to be decided. Now it’s clear why they did that.

The minutes record that a majority of Council did not want to see this development. At Monday’s meeting a proposed response to the application, whenever it’s submitted, will be discussed.

It’s probably worth reminding you given we now have two applications which will make a significant difference to the village that this is a public meeting and you are welcome to attend. The chair will usually allow members of the public who wish to speak to do so. You can find more about that here on the village web site.