South Cambridgeshire residents invited to council scrutiny meeting

Residents are invited to South Cambridgeshire District Council’s (SCDC) scrutiny and overview committee meeting in Swavesey on Thursday (17/4).

SCDC will be holding the meeting at Swavesey Memorial Hall at 5.30pm and is issuing an open invitation to residents.

There will be two main topics covered in the meeting:

  • a report from Arbury Park Task and Finish Group – recommending improvements for the way this and future developments are served by developers, the council and other organisations
  • the Scrutiny Annual Report – summarising what the scrutiny committees have achieved in 2007/08 and are planning for 2008/09. Members of the public attending the meeting will have the opportunity to suggest topics for the scrutiny committee to look into in 2008/09

The meeting is open to all residents, not just those in Swavesey, and there will be the opportunity to ask questions or suggest topics for future scrutiny.