Guided Walk on the Archaeology of Landbeach

Slightly outside the village but Cambridgeshire Archaeology and the Cambridgeshire County Council Farms Estate will be holding a guided walk around Landbeach this Wednesday (23/4) starting at 7pm.

The village of Landbeach has a rich heritage stretching back as far as the Iron Age, excavations last year revealed important remains on County Farm land to the east of the village.

In addition the remains of the medieval village are still visible at Worts Meadow pocket park. The tour on Wednesday will look at these sites as well as the rest of the historic village.

Stephen Macaulay CAM ARC project Manager said: “There is a great wealth of archaeology at Landbeach and throughout the County Farms Estate, which I hope people will be able to see for themselves. This is the first of several guided tours around important monuments offered by archaeologists at the County Council.”

Anyone wishing to join the guided walk should meet at the Granary, at Worts Barn, Landbeach, at 7pm, on Wednesday, 23rd April. For further details on this or any other guided walk please contact David Crawford-White, Outreach Officer, at Cambridgeshire Archaeology on 01954 204191.