Parish Council Planning Committee

Meets on Monday night at 7:30pm in the Bowls Pavilion on Coles Road. The following applications are being considered:

  • S/0051/08/CW Waste Recycling Group Ltd – variation of Condition 3 of pp S/0289/91 to extend the time for reinstatement of the site to a condition suitable for the resumption of agricultural use to 31 December 2020.
  • S/0549/08/A P Shenton Village Vet 26 Cambridge Road – signs (retrospective

  • C/6/9/1A Edmund Nuttall Ltd – Guided Busway – Discharge of condition No. 3(a)(i) – design and appearance of Cambridge Science Park stop.
  • S/0457/08 Mr & Mrs Jefford Greengates Chesterton Fen Road – replacement dwelling and extension to garden
  • S/0592/08 Ms R Davey 63 Cambridge Road – conversion of garage to annexe